Actions availaible in the Journey Builder Canvas


Actions and Conditions are the building elements of a customer journey flow. Arrange different actions and conditions in a way that the customers move along the mapped path to achieve the journey goal.

Journey Elements - Actions and Conditions

Actions in Journey Builder
Send Message: This action element sends a message on the message channel to all those customers who go through this step of journey flow. To know more See details.
Add Delay: This element pauses the automation journey for the customers at this step. They will wait here for the time specified by you. To know more See details.
Create Case: This element adds all the customers who go through this step of journey flow to a Case to keep track of all the customer interactions in an engagement column. To know more about using and creating case See details
End Event: This element indicates that the journey flow ends at this point. To know more See details.
Set Field: This action element lets you SetIncrement, or Decrement the value of any Custom Field in the journey. The operators depend on the type of Custom Field. In case of Numeric Custom Field, all three operators support. In Text Custom Field, only Set operator is supported. You can use this kind of Custom Field configuration for various use cases like quiz scoring, lead scoring, engagement level scoring, user persona building, etc. To know more click See Details.
Show Preview: After you add a message in the journey, you can see the preview of the message, which will allow you to see how the message will look like when it reaches the recipient. After you have added the message in the journey, click on it. The option box that appears to the right has the Show Preview option. Click on it to view preview. See details.
Schedule: Using the Schedule option, you can schedule a message on a fixed date or in relation to a particular event.  See details. 
Custom Field Check: The Custom Field Check action allows you to classify users based on Custom Fields.  you can split the path into two or more branches based on the set custom conditions. See details.

Add Comment: This action allows you to add custom notes or comments inside the Journey Facilitator at message, profile & case level. See details.

Go To Node: This node helps you to connect two nodes in the journey builder. See details.

Variable Operation: This node helps you to create & update properties, fields and variables in the builder. See Details.