API Node in Journey Facilitator


The API node in Journey Facilitator serves as a pivotal link between the platform and external systems, enabling users to seamlessly make API calls. Acting as a bridge, it facilitates communication with diverse entities, such as client databases, third-party vendors (e.g., Shopify, Shiprocket, CRMs, Voucher Systems, Payment gateways), and more.

For example, a leading electronics brand utilizes Sprinklr for survey distribution to gather valuable feedback. The API node becomes instrumental in transmitting survey responses back into the brand's database. This data becomes a valuable asset for informed decision-making and future communication strategies. 

It's worth noting that the API endpoints needed for integration should be provided by the external systems. These endpoints are then seamlessly incorporated into Sprinklr by solution or technical consultants, ensuring a smooth and efficient integration process. For detailed guidance on configuring and adding external APIs in Sprinklr, refer to Add an External API in Sprinklr.

To Configure an API Node

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Service tab, click Journey Facilitator within Resolve.

  2. Click Add Journey in the top right corner of the Journey Facilitator window.

  3. On the Create Journey window, give a Name to the journey and update other settings as required.

  4. Select whether you want to create a Segment Based, Profile List Based, or Trigger Based Journey.

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

  6. On the Journey Builder, click the Add Element icon and select the API node.

    A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  7. Now, give your API a name. All the API Extensions added in the workspace will be visible in the API dropdown. 
    Note: The process of adding an API extension in Sprinklr is completely owned by a Technical Consultant.

  8. To configure the input, you must populate a set of predetermined parameters constituting the API payload. These fixed inputs are conveniently displayed in a dropdown on the left-hand side of the input box. While some are mandatory, others can be skipped depending upon the situation (check with TC/SC who has configured the API extension). It's the responsibility of the individual configuring the API node to procure the API documentation and confirm the correct values to be passed in the API parameters. 

    These values can be provided using either local journey-defined variables or various entity based custom fields. Both these options showcased on the right-hand side of the input box as under the resource selector (dollar symbol). For instance, in the given illustration, "First_Name" and "Last_Name" on the left represent API parameters in the payload. Simultaneously, "FirstName" and "LastName" on the right correspond to journey-defined local variables, offering a streamlined approach to customize and tailor the API inputs as needed.

    A screenshot of a applicationDescription automatically generated

  9. The majority of APIs yield specific output parameters depending upon your requirements. Consider an example where an e-commerce API takes an order number as input and, in response, delivers the corresponding dollar amount value of the order. In this manner, you can bring your brand's data into Sprinklr platform with ease. This output information is invaluable for personalizing messages, informing decisions, and facilitating reporting.
    Configuring the output follows a similar paradigm as inputs. On the left-hand side, the output is defined based on the API payload, while the right-hand side features journey-defined output variables. These variables capture the API's response, serving as a versatile tool for incorporating API-derived data into various aspects of the journey, such as personalization, decision-making, and reporting. 
    Note: Make sure there are no spaces in any of the parameters.

  10. Exception Variable will store whether the API has run successfully or not. If the API has timed out and won’t return any values, it will be stored in the variable ‘flightAPIflag’ in the above example. This may be useful during debugging or reporting.

  11. The Raw API Response Variable will store the entirety of the response from the API in string format. This can be accessed further down the journey to make decisions, store information, or to analyze during debugging. In this case, the variable ‘flightResp’ will store the entire API response.