How to manage Stories?


To view, sort, and search Stories

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Insights, click Media Insights within Learn.

  2. Scroll down to see all the fetched stories in the form of story cards and click the story you want to view.

  3. Click the Duration option on the top right corner to sort the stories by duration – Today, Yesterday, and Last 7 days.

  4. Click the sorting option on the right side of the Duration option to sort the stories by – Relevance, Date CreatedEMVImpactInfluence, and Overall Reach.

  5. Stories can also be sorted as ascending or descending by clicking the arrow at the extreme top right corner to switch between the ascending (upward arrow) or descending(downward arrow) order of stories.

  6. Stories can also be searched by entering your keywords or phrases in the search bar on top of the All Stories window. Sprinklr's AutoComplete Engine provides relevant suggestions as you type the keywords.

    Add Location form

To filter the Stories

  1. Click Add Filter on the top left corner of the All Stories window and select the filters from CategoryStory Query, and Story Query Tags, and check the filters you want to apply.

  2. A Category is automatically assigned to each story, based on its content by Sprinklr's AI algorithms.

  3. For details on how to create a Story Query, refer to this KB article – To Create a Story Query. Media insights filters