Metrics and dimensions: Use cases


As PR and Corporate Comms professionals, your key job function is Reputation, i.e. the brand image that you work hard to build and the brand perception that others have. And effective Reputation management begins with measuring your PR efforts accurately. Releasing press releases or having articles in a renowned publication is not sufficient anymore. You really need to measure the "impact" created by an article, measure its digital footprint, analyze the sentiment it generates on readers, and ultimately the value it adds to your brand.

Such metrics guide you to build a strong PR strategy by helping you to identify the content that resonates the most with your target audience, identify journalists who can vouch for your brand, and the areas your team needs to concentrate on. As PR teams are challenged to prove their ROI, it is critical to start measuring the results and setting metric-driven goals.

Use cases

  • Track the volume of media coverage around the brand and measure the impact or business value created

  • Calculate the share of mind your brand generates on media vs your competitors.

  • Stay on top of viral media content around your brand, executives, partners, and other stakeholders that can impact your reputation.

  • Identify journalists and publications to partner with to control the brand narrative and strengthen brand perception.

  • Measure the performance of a PR campaign and benchmark it against that of historical performances and of competitive campaigns.

  • Benchmark the value created by your different PR teams across the globe.

  • Craft your communication strategy and drive thought leadership by discovering industry content that resonates with the audience.

How it works

In this article, we will explain about two entities –

  • Metrics in MM&A are the measurements or KPIs that will you to measure and track the PR performance. For example, Impact and Media Reach are metrics.

  • Dimensions in MM&A help you to slice and dice the metrics depending on your use case. For example, Country and Sentiment are dimensions and you can use them to analyze Impact across countries or News mentions across sentiment.

Metrics and dimensions can be plotted within Sprinklr Story Analytics dashboards as shown below –

Add Location form

Learn more about metrics and dimensions –