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Metrics & Dimensions
Metrics are the measurements or KPIs that will you to measure and track the PR performance. Dimensions help you to slice and dice the metrics depending on your use case


Metrics and dimensions: Use cases

As PR and Corporate Comms professionals, your key job function is Reputation, i.e. the brand image that you work hard to build and the brand perception that others have. And effective Reputation management begins with measuring your PR efforts accurately. Releasing press releases or having articles

Knowledge Base Article

Getting Started with Sprinklr Insights

Sprinklr Insights Glossary


Social Listening

Media Monitoring & Analytics

Crisis Identification via Stories

Media Monitoring & Analytics

Media Stories


Story query setup

Story Query

Advanced Concepts

PR Monitoring via Custom Dashboards

Dashboard setup

Where to find MM&A?

Onboarding Module

MM&A Dashboards

Newsletter setup

Strategize your PR outreach

Stakeholders Communication via Newsletters

Alert Setup

Permissions Required for MM&A Modules

Metrics & Dimensions

Data Sources

Product Insights

Location Insights

Audience Insights

Competitive Insights & Benchmarking

Visual Insights

Conversation Insights

AI Studio


Reporting & Analytics

Data Sources & Channels

Sprinklr AI+