Standard Live Chat Reporting Dashboard


In Care Reporting, you can view various reports on Sprinklr Live Chat to monitor your customer support agents' performance. View some of the common use cases below.

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Live Chat Website Insights




Website Funnel

This widget displays the Unique Livechat Prospects/Unique Livechat Exposures/Unique Livechat Clicked funnel from the total initiated conversations

Unique Live Chat Prospects

Number of unique impressions over the live chat

Unique Live Chat Prospects over time

Number of unique impressions over the live chat - day wise segregation

Unique Live Chat Exposures

Number of unique visits (people visiting) on the live chat

Unique Live Chat Exposures over time

Number of unique visits (people visiting) on the live chat - day wise segregation

Unique Live Chat Clicks

Number of unique clicks

Unique Live Chat Clicks over time

Number of unique visits - day wise segregation

Device Split

Case count per Device being used

Country Split

Case count on the basis of Country (Dependent on Environement)

Browser Split

Case count on the basis of Browser (Dependent on Environement)

Locale Split

Case count on the basis of Locale (Dependent on Environement)

Proactive Prompt Insights




Trigger Count

Number of prompts/intercepts triggered in a chat

Engaged Count

Number of prompts/intercepts engaged/responded in a chat

Closed Count

Number of prompts closed in a chat

% Engaged

% prompts engaged out of the overall triggered count

% Closed

% prompts closed out of the overall triggered count

Inisghts for Intercepts

Split of the overall prompts applied based on the activity count

Insights by Interval

Split of the overall prompts applied based on the activity count

% Engaged

% engaged - type of prompt split

% Closed

% closed - type of prompt split

Visitors Engagement

Number of intercepts Triggered > Engaged > Closed funnel in each chat (against each chat ID)

Scorecard (Intercept)

Number of Intercepts Triggered > Engaged > Closed funnel in page URL (against each URL)

Cases via Prompts

Number of cases those were triggered through prompts across time of the day

Insights for Intercepts

Number of intercepts engaged w.r.t. unique live chat clicks across time of the day

Live Chat Volume




Total Messages Received - Account

The volume of total messages received from all the channels

Engageable Messages - Account

Total messages which requires action. Fan (Inbound) messages tagged as Engageable by Intuition Moderation

Non Engageable Messages - Account

Message count for which no action is needed. Fan (Inbound) messages tagged as Non-Engageable by Intuition Moderation

Total Published Messages - Auto Response

The volume of total messages published by the brand

Total Published Messages - Agent Responses

The volume of total messages published by the brand

Unique Customers Engaged

Count of unique customers engaged on cases

Open Cases

Total number of working cases. Filters: Status containing Responded-Awaiting Reply, Awaiting Reply and Assigned

Total Cases

Total number of cases in given time filter duration

Closed Cases

Total number of cases closed. Filters: Status containing Closed, Auto Closed and No Response Required, Closed

Case Summary

Gives you overview of Case Volume, Case Duration & Message Count w.r.t Live Chat Account

Cases by Team

Number of cases categorized by the handling teams

Cases by Status

Number of cases categorized by the case status

Case Count vs. Time of Day

Number of cases plotted against time of day

Case Volume vs. Issue Type

Number of cases categorized by the issue type

Cases by Sentiment

Total cases catgeorized by sentiment

Cases by Priority

Total cases categorized by case priority

Live Chat SLA




Total Assigned Cases

Total number of unique cases assigned to a user within the given time frame

Avg. Case Handling Time

Amount of time spent by the assigned agent on the case

Average Case Duration

Time difference between the first and last message associated with a case

Average Case Assigned Time

Time difference between user assignment and action time on a case

Assignment Wait Time

Average time cases wait in Awaiting Assignment queue to get assigned to a user

% Cases Replied within SLA (First Response)

% of cases first responded within SLA considering only user response

% Cases Replied (Case Response)

% cases replied within SLA

Issue Type vs. Handling Time

Avg. case handling time for each issue type

Case Waiting SLA - Time of the Day

Average time spent by the case waiting in the queue hourly trend

Case Waiting SLA by Team/Account/Region

Avg. case wait time in Awaiting Assignment queue to get assigned to a user w.r.t. Account (Can use Region and Users if they use the Custom Fields accordingly)

Case Waiting SLA - Date-wise Trend

Average time spent by the case waiting in the queue hourly trend

Avg. Case Response SLA

Time difference between the brand response (not including auto responses) to last un-replied fan message

Avg. Case First Response SLA

Average time taken to make the first reply on the case based on action time

Avg. Case First Response SLA - Time of Day

Average time taken for first response by user in the case

Avg. Case Response SLA - Time of day

Average time taken for response by user in the case

Case First Response SLA Trend by Team/Account/Channel

Average time taken for first response by user w.r.t. Team/Account/Channel

Average Processing Time by Assignee

Average time agents spend viewing a case and the total number of cases for which the processing clock started

Avg. Case Handle Time (Quick Macro Used)

Average time spent by the assigned agent on the case - Quick Macro applied

Avg. Case Handle Time (Smart Response Macro Used)

Average time spent by the assigned agent on the case - Smart Response Macro applied

Average Processing Time by Time of Day

Average time spent between the assignment and action time on daily basis

Average Processing Time by Team/Account/Channel

Average time agents spend viewing a case w.r.t. Team/Account/Channel

Case Handle Time - Team Performance/Channel/Account - Brand Response

Average time taken from assignment to response w.r.t. Team/Account/Channel

Case Handle Time - Assignment to Brand Response

Average time taken by the agent handling the case - from assignment to brand response

Average Total Case Handling Time - Brand Response

Average time spend between assignment to response on daily basis

Case Handle Time - Assignment to Unassignment

Average time taken from assignment to un-assignment

Case Handle Time - Team Performance Unassignment

Average time taken from assignment to un-assignment corresponding to the team

Average Total Case Handling per Day - Unassignment

Average time between the assignment and un-assignment on daily basis

Awaiting Assignment

Average time spent by the case in Awaiting Assignment queue

Escalated Queue

Average time spent by a case in Escalated queue

Internal Hold Queue

Average time spent by a case in the Internal Hold queue

Macro Application SLA by Macro Type - from Assignment

Case-Macro Usage Count represents the total number of times a macro was applied to a case. Avg. time to apply macro represents the time taken to apply macro from assignment time. If the case was not assigned when the macro was applied, it will consider from case creation time

Macro Application SLA by Macro Type - Team/Account/Brand- from Assignment

Case-Macro Usage Count represents the total number of times a macro was applied to a case. Avg. time to apply macro represents the time taken to apply macro from assignment time. If the case was not assigned when the macro was applied, it will consider from case creation time

Macro Application SLA by Case Assignment

Time taken to apply macro from case creation

Live Chat Agent Performance




Agents in Different Status

Number of agents present in different statuses

Cases Awaiting Assignment

Cases waiting in the queue for agent assignment

Current Assigned Cases

Measures the total cases (created in the time filter) currently assigned to a user

Average Case Wait Time

Time duration for which case rests in the Awaiting Assignment queue

Average Handle Time

Time duration for which the agent was working on the case i.e. how long the processing clock was running

Total Case Assignments

Measures the total cases (created in the time filter) assigned to a user

Case Assignment Type Distribution (Visualization/Use Case)

Cases classified by assignment method - day-wise visualization

Top Agents by Reply Time

Response SLA of each agent

Top Agents by Case Macro Count

Number of case macros applied by each agent

Top Agents by No. of Replies

Number of replies provided by each agent

Worst Agents by Case Hold Up Time in Queue (Max Time to Macro)

Case hold time by each agent

Agent Productivity (w/ Availability and Case Assignments)

This widget differs from "Agent Productivity" widget. It takes into account the amount of time an agent spent in "Available" status, in addition to Case Count and Macro Application

Productivity Macro Usage Count (Visualization/Use Case)

Number of times a macro was applied on a case

Agent vs. Macro Application

The count of each macro used by the agents

Agent SLA Report

This widget shows "Volume of Fan Messages Replied Within SLA | Volume of Fan Messages Replied Outside SLA | %Volume of Fan Messages Replied Within SLA | Volume of Private Fan Messages Replied | Volume of Public Fan Messages Replied"

Cases Replied within SLA by Agent Group

Number of cases for which 1st response by the user was shared within the specified SLA/ Number of cases with an agent reponse

Agent Group = Name of the work group the agent is assigned to (client specific)

Agent vs. Handling Time per Case

This widget shows the "Avg. Handling Time | Unique Processing Case Count"

Agent Response SLA

This widget shows 'Avg. of Case User Response SLA | Avg. of Case First User Response SLA'

Time Spent without Case Assignments

This widget shows "Time spent in Available status | Time spent in Available status with any case assigned | Idle Time"

Survey vs. Survey Sent and Complted Count

Survey and its sent and completed count by customers

Stream Chat Insights





Message count for number of different users participatd in chat, applicable for specific live stream

User vs. Message Count

Count of messages published by users containing deleted information, applicable for specific live stream


Sentiment of different messages published by users against deleted status for specific live stream

Joinee Name, Email and Phone Number

Number of profiles associated to their email, phone number with their modified time, applicable for specific live stream

Message Count vs. Time

Message count w.r.t. the published date, applicable for specific live stream

Unique Fans Participated Count vs. Time

Number of unique fans participated in the chat w.r.t. date, applicable for specific live stream

Event vs. Joinees

Number of unique fans participated in the chat against different live streams

Event vs. Message Count

Number of messages against different live streams