Auto Import Rules


This topic aims to take you through Auto-Import Rules, a Rule Type in Sprinklr. To view the list of Rules, see Types of Rules.

Auto Import rules are initiated when a message is posted natively via the social media channel instead of Sprinklr. If an Auto Import rule is set up, enabled and the conditions are met, then the corresponding action takes place.

To Create Auto Import Rules

  1. Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png. Under the Governance Console, click Manage Rules within Platform Setup.

  2. In the top-right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule.

  3. On the New Rule window, enter a Name and Description for your rule. 

  4. Select Auto Import from the Context drop-down menu.
    Selecting Auto Import as the Rule Context in the Rule Engine

  5. If required, modify the values for Activation Date and Rule Execution Batch.

  6. Click Next.

  7. On the Rule Builder window, click the  Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 1.11.49 PM.png  icon and set the Auto Import Rule Conditions and Actions. For more information, see Auto Import Rule Conditions — Descriptions and Auto Import Rule Actions — Descriptions.

  8. Click Save in the bottom right corner to finalize the creation of your new Rule or Save as Draft to create a draft version of your Rule.

Auto Import Rule Conditions — Descriptions

The Channel Properties of the Message

Refers to the specific social network account the message is coming in to. This condition could be an account or an account group.

Account Owner User ID

Refers to the owner of the Account the message is associated with.


Refers to the social network such as Facebook and Twitter.

Message Type

Refers to the actual message. This could be Facebook Comment, Twitter Reply, and LinkedIn Post.

Message Subtype

Refers to a specified content type within the message like a Discussion, Blog, or Photo.

Account Business Category

Refers to the business category which the account falls under.

The Properties of the Outbound Message

Refers to the campaign the message is associated with.

Geo. Target Country

Refers to the country the message is targeting.

Geo. Gating Country

Refers to the country the message is gating.

Has Associated Post Asset

Refers to whether the post has any associated asset or not.

Post Creation Source

Refers to the source at which the Post was created.

Is post created after account added in Sprinklr

Refers to the post is published at a time after the account addition (in Sprinklr) time.

Post Has Link

Refers to whether the outbound post has a Link or not.

Post Link

Refers to Link present within the outbound post.

Published Status

Refers to whether the message is published or unpublished.

Request Source

Refers to the source, the message or posts are requested from.


Refers to the descriptive terms associated with the message that has been created within Custom Fields as message tags. (See Add a Custom Field)


Refers to the specific words or phrases in the message.


Refers to the title or subject of the message where applicable.

Content Language

Refers to the specific languages that the message should be written in for the condition to be met.

Custom Properties

Refers to the custom fields associated with the message.

Message Keywords

Refers to the keyword list that the message contains or doesn't contain.

Sub Campaign

Refers to the integrated campaigns within a particular campaign associated with the message.

Channel Metadata

To update the metadata and tags in a YouTube Video.

Partner Custom Property

Refers to the Partner Level Outbound Message Custom Fields.

Client Custom Property

Refers to the Client Level Outbound Message Custom Fields.

Auto Import Rule Actions — Descriptions

Assign a Message to a User/Queue
Add to Partner Queue

Refers to adding the message to a previously created Partner Level Queue.

Add to Client Queue

Refers to adding the message to a previously created Client Level Queue.

Change the Approval Properties of the Message
Send Email Notification

Refers to sending an email notification to user(s). You can also add freeform email addresses (non-Sprinklr users) to send an email notification to.

Delete Message

Refers to deleting the message.​​​​​​

Remove Receivers in Lists

Refers to removing the selected receivers of the message.

Change Properties of Message

Refers to the campaign the message is associated with.

Choose Custom Fields to set to default

Refers to choosing the custom fields to set to default.

Notify Users

Refers to the users to be notified.


Refers to the descriptive terms associated with the message that has been created within Custom Fields as message tags. (See Add a Custom Field)

URL Shortener

Refers to the URL Shortener that has been set up and linked.

Sub Campaign

Refers to the integrated campaigns within a particular campaign associated with the message.

Partner Custom Property

Refers to the Partner Level Inbound Message Custom Fields.

Client Custom Property

Refers to the Client Level Inbound Message Custom Fields.