Add a Vectramind SMS Account


You can instantly connect with customers globally using their most preferred communication method: text messaging. Within Sprinklr, you can add a Vectramind account to be able to send Arabic and English messages along with links and emojis.

To Add a Vectramind Account

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Governance Console, click Messaging Accounts within Listen.

  2. In the top right corner of the Accounts window, click Add Account.

  3. On the Add Account window, search and select Vectramind from the available channels.

  4. On the Add Vectramind account window, add a Display Name. Also, add User NamePassword, and Sender Id associated with the account, which can be taken from your native account.

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner of the window and you will be redirected to the Update Account window where you can update the further details of your account. For more information, see Update an Account.