Google My Business v/s


GMB (account-based) v/s (URL-based listening)

Following are some of the differences mentioned between Reviews Coverage through Google My Business (GMB accounts) and –


Google My Business (GMB)

Listening Type

Account Based Listening

Source page-based Listening

Authentication/Registration Process

Users have to authenticate Owned account pages within the Sprinklr platform and attach them to Business Locations

No account authentication is needed. Users can copy owned/competitor review page URLs natively and add them to Business Locations

Data sourcing

We have an Owned Account API in place which directly fetches the reviews from native

The review URLs added need to be Source Verified with the data partner.

Source verification Required

Not required. Reviews start coming in after the account is authenticated within Sprinklr.

It may take 7-10 working days for the URLs to be source verified. Reviews to be available post-SV.


The live reviews posted on native are also fetched in close to immediate time - as posted and provided by the API.

The average latency varies from 0 to 72 hrs from the publish date.


The user can directly engage with the reviews natively. There is an option on the platform to reply on the review which automatically posts the reply under that review on native.

Engagement not supported. However, the user can click on the timestamp to view the page natively and reply there.

Full historical Coverage

Yes – Subject to API limitation

Yes – the historical coverage is almost a lifetime. The data vendor fetches as old as the channel allows.

Competitive Listening

Only owned accounts

Possible to do owned and competitive listening via URLs.

URL identification


Sprinklr can help in identifying business location urls for owned & competitor brands based on input like address information etc.

Reviews without text

