Configuration Steps for SSO on Sprinklr platform
Once you are done with the basic understanding and gathering necessary details for setting up SSO in your environment, you can proceed with the configuration of SSO on the platform.
After receiving all the necessary details necessary from the Identity Provider, you can proceed with the SSO setup on the staging or Sandbox environment
Once you have received the confirmation of perfect working of staging environment from test users, you can go ahead to the Production environment to configure SSO
Steps to Configure SSO on Sprinklr
Click the New Tab icon
. Under Platform Modules, click All Settings within Listen.
In the Platform Settings window, click Manage Customer in the left pane and select Account Groups in the right pane
Details to be filled on the Sprinklr Settings → SSO Configuration page:
Name: Enter the desired name for the SSO
Select the Type of Single Sign On: SAML 2.0 or OpenID
Configuration Steps For SAML 2.0:
You can either auto-fill all the configuration fields by importing the XML file provided by the IDP or manually fill-up all the configuration fields. Click Import Metadata to auto-fill the required fields. Refer to the field description below to manually fill-up the fields -
Entity ID: Input entity ID from client into Sprinklr.
For Metadata file it corresponds to the “entityID=” field
For SSO Checklist it corresponds to the “Entity ID of Identity Provider” field
Issuer Name: Issuer Name is a URL that uniquely identifies your SAML identity provider.
SAML assertions sent to Sprinklr must match this value exactly in the attribute of SAML assertions. Issuer Name is an autopopulated field. You can update it based upon your requirements.
Identity Provider Login URL: Input the IDP Login URL from the client into Sprinklr.
It is the domain to which Sprinklr redirects after logging via SSO.For Metadata file it corresponds to the “<md:SingleSignOnService”, “Location=” field
For SSO Checklist it corresponds to the “Identity Provider Login URL” field
Identity Provider Logout URL: Input the Identity Provider Logout URL (Optional field).
It is the domain to which Sprinklr redirects after logout
SAML User ID Type: Choose the desired SAML User ID Type
If the customer is authenticating on email, leave at the default Assertion contains User's username selection
If they are authenticating on an ID value and not email, select Assertion contains the Federation ID from the User object instead
The assertion sent by the IDP either contains the user's username or federation ID from the user object for authentication. While using federation ID for authentication clients add the fed ID in Sprinklr as well. Steps to add federation ID in user profile is in this link.
SAML User ID Location: Choose the desired SAML User ID Location
If the customer is sending the authentication value (email or ID) in the NameID, leave at the default User ID is in the Name Identifier element of the Subject statement selection.
If the customer is sending authentication value in another attribute, select User ID is in an Attribute element & enter the name of the attribute in the given space
Request Binding: Select HTTP POST or HTTP Redirect
For SSO Checklist it corresponds to “AuthNRequest: POST or REDIRECT bindings?” field
For HTTP POST, IDP should have a certificate that we have given as we will look for it. When the response comes we will get that info in the response. (Not needed for HTTP REDIRECT)
User Not Provisioned Error Message: Enter the message as per your requirement (Optional)
Do you want to enable SSO for advocacy?: If yes, check the box and select the Name from the drop-down menu & enter the desired Attribute.
Use new SSO Certificate: Check box for Use New SSO Certificate.
Request Signature Method: Select the Request Signature Method from the drop-down menu.
Metadata:<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=““/>
For SSO Checklist it corresponds to the “SHA1 or SHA256?” field
Identity Provider Certificate: Fill out the Identity Provider Certificate in PEM Format
For Metadata file it corresponds to the “<ds:X509Certificate>” field
For SSO Checklist: Public Key Certificate of the Identity Provider of the Client field
You can use this link to format the certificate in the required format.
Remember: Your certificate should start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
Your certificate should end with -----END CERTIFICATE-----
In case the IDP certificate expires, the SSO setting needs to be updated with the new certificate by Success manager/Client:
Remember to keep a backup of the existing certificate in a notepad.
Steps to update SSO certificates from UI
Go to the location below in the UI to update the SSO Certificate.
Settings >> Manage Customer >> Single Sign-Ons >> Principal SSO >> Edit
Check if the certificate is updated under "Identity Provider Certificate"
Get the new certificate from the user and replace the existing Certificate here
The certificate should start with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and
end with "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"The format of the Certificate needs to be in PEM. You can use this link to format the certificate in the required format.
SSO Emulation
You can simulate all steps of the SSO flow before saving the configuration to ensure that you can save the SSO configuration only after successfully emulating all steps and resolving all the errors that are displayed after emulation.
In the Auto Provisioning section, click Start Test to simulate all steps of the SSO flow before saving the configuration.
Configuration Steps For OpenID:
If you select any social channel (For example: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) as the Provider, then you are not required to fill out any additional steps
If you select OpenID Connect, then enter the Client Key, Client Secret, Authorize Endpoint URL, Token Endpoint URL, User Info URL and Scope.