Information to be shared from Sprinklr to customer for SSO


Before configuring SSO on the Sprinklr platform, there are some steps that need to be performed on the Identity Provider side for beginning the process. The steps to obtain the information needed to be shared with the client from Sprinklr for setting up SSO details on the IDP end are mentioned in this article below.

Information to be Shared from Sprinklr

  • Service provider (Sprinklr in this case) details including:

    • Service Provider Login URL: https://{prefix-of-domain}   

      The naming convention is for the production and for staging (testing process), where x is the name of Client. e.g., and

      Note that the domain needs to be set by the ITOPs.

    • Entity ID from Sprinklr: Usually it is for all environments, including app, prod0, and prod2. Note: You cannot use the same Entity ID twice for a client who wants two SSO configurations in the same environment as it is a unique identifier in the environment’s SSO configurations.

    • ACS URL : https://{prefix-of-domain}{partnerId}

      • The naming convention is{partnerId} for the production and{partnerId} for the staging, where x is the name of the Client. The staging URL should be the custom domain that we can fetch from the backend for any partner.

      • At the end of the ACS URL you will need to enter the partner ID highlighted in red.

  • Public Key Certificate of Sprinklr for SAML. (Certificate Download Link) :

    Note: The above certificate is for staging in the prod0 (partner ID: 9056). This certificate is also mentioned in this mapping sheet.