Introduction to Listening Topics


With Listening Topics, you can listen and explore the talks happening around the world to get more insightful and granular data associated with the conversations.

Listening Topics helps to ingest data into the Sprinklr platform from various social, web & traditional sources. It can contain queries, keywords, keyword lists, or operators according to your use case. Thus, it helps you to listen to the details from the various conversations happening and get analysis.

What is a Listening Topic?

A Listening Topic is a set of keywords and operators along with filters that can be used to fetch data across all social, web, and traditional channels which are happening or have happened.

Listening topics can fetch data on the basis of queries, profiles, domains, location, and OCRs [optical character recognition (text inside images)]. Various models also run on these topics to give actionable insights.

Also, the Topic Editor UI has preview support, meaning social posts, conversations, smart clusters, etc., can be previewed immediately while creating the Topics. This will help you create Listening Topics with greater control, precision, and transparency.

Key use cases

  • As a product/ brand owner, you want to listen to various aspects of the product/ services. You want to get more attribute-level data around the conversations happening. Some questions that the Listening Topic helps to answer are:

    • What are the customers talking about a particular attribute of the product?

    • What is the general view of customers about the recent news about the brand?

    • Which location has a higher number of mentions around your product or services?

  • As a brand/product owner, you want to listen only to the Customer Service related mentions so you can generate insights and a plan of action.

Listening Topic types in Sprinklr

  • Query-based Listening: Fetch mentions using keywords

  • Account-based Listening: fetch mentions from the owned account

  • Profile/Domain-based Listening: fetch mentions from particular profiles/ domains

  • Location-based Listening: Fetch mentions on basis of geo coordinates

  • Visual Listening: Fetch mentions containing brand logos or search queries inside images (OCR)

Topic types – Descriptions

Topic Type


Query-based Listening

Create a Listening Topic based on a search query. This is the most common type of Listening Topic and can be used to listen broadly across sources based on keywords and phrases.

Account-based Listening

Create a Listening Topic relevant to inbound content on Owned Accounts that you have linked. If the sole purpose is to grab data from Accounts, filling up the Manage Sources field should be avoided as it will result in fetching public data as well, based on the keywords included for added sources.

Profile/Domain-based Listening

Create a Listening Topic around specific Profile Lists and Domain Lists. This type of Listening can be used to listen to specific influencers, a set of specific domain sources, and more.

Location-based Listening

Listen to content by users in specific locations using longitude and latitude. This type of Listening can be used to monitor events and in-store experiences.

Sina Weibo based Listening

Listen to messages and comments on Sina Weibo.

Visual Listening

Listen to content specified by brand or company logos. This type of listening helps in fetching and monitoring data grabbed from visual sources such as logos present in specified sources.

Note: Social Listening should be enabled in your environment in order to use the Listening Topic. To learn more about Social Listening, please contact your Success Manager.