Knowhow before creating Listening Topic: Terms and definitions


Before creating a Topic, get familiar with all the terms and descriptions related to Topics.

Topics are the fundamental units to listen to within Sprinklr. They are composed of queries, constructed with keywords or Keyword Lists, boolean operators, filters, and sources.

You can add the created topics to a Listening dashboard, Listening widgets, or a Listening column in the Engagement dashboard to cater to your listening requirements. For optimum use, first structure and plan your listening requirement, and then with the help of Topics, Topic Groups, Themes, and Custom Metrics, configure the dashboards to get rich insights.

Before you begin

You need to create Topic Groups for adding any Listening Topic. Topic Group allows users a way to organize topics into specific categories, offering customizable methods of topic arrangement.

Topic – Terms & Description

Let us break down these terms and understand what each term means –




Fundamental units to listen to social media conversations and fetch inside Sprinklr, composed of queries, constructed with words (keywords).


These are words that you would like to listen to; these are specific to use cases or brands specific to fetch relevant mentions from a vast pool of conversations.

Keywords, also commonly called search terms, are the words that you enter in a query to search for specific messages.


A group of keywords/phrases along with boolean operators or advanced operators to fetch use case-specific and most relevant mentions.

Keyword List

Many Keywords inside one list. Keyword lists allow you to create a single list of words or phrases that can be used in multiple queries.

Boolean Operator

Boolean operators are used to connecting search terms (keywords) for creating a logical phrase. Using them, you can create a complex search query that may include multiple concepts and alternative keywords. The Boolean Operators include OR, AND, and NOT.

Advanced Queries

More granular and specific mentions can be pulled with using Operators in Advanced Queries, for your targeted research.

Topic Group

Topic Group allows users a way to organize Topics into specific categories, offering customizable methods of topic arrangement.

Topic Tag

Topic tag allows users a way to bucket many topics under one tag to be easily used in filters/ dashboards and run analysis.