How to use Topics in dashboards?


Topics act as a source to input and run various analyses on the fetched mentions and get granular actionable insights.

Steps to add Topic on the dashboards using Topic Name

  • Open the dashboard in which you want to add a Topic or create a new dashboard.

  • Inside the dashboard or widget filter, apply Topic containing Topic_name.

  • You can select multiple Topics or negate them here.

  • Once done, the widgets will automatically populate.



Steps to add Topics on the dashboards using Topic Group

To add whole group of Topic at once –

  • Open the dashboard in which you want to add a Topic Group or create a new dashboard.

  • Inside the dashboard or widget filter, apply Topic Group containing Topicgroup_name.

  • Once done, the widgets will automatically populate.

Steps to add Topics on the dashboards using Topic Tag

To add all Topics having a tag or multiple tags at once

  • Open the dashboard in which you want to add a Topic or create a new dashboard.

  • Inside the dashboard or widget filter, apply Topic Tag containing Topictag_name.

  • Once done, the widgets will automatically populate.

Advanced use cases

If a Topic is applied on dashboard level and at section level the section-level Topic filter will override dashboard-level filter.

User can also power widget by different Topic using widget level advanced filters:

Apply Topic inside filter of widget and tick the checkbox: Ignore all dashboard/section filters

Note: If this checkbox is not ticked then the mentions shown will be the common mentions from dashboard-level and widget-level Topics applied.