Message Delivery Receipts


In Sprinklr Reporting you can capture and track message published status in reporting

We can capture

  • Trend of WhatsApp messages sent over time

  • Message Sent status and Time

  • Message Delivered status and Time

  • Message Read status and Time

  • Message Failed status and Time

  • Failure reasons

Note: To setup all the above metrics one needs to go to Care Reporting and then widgets in an existing or a new dashboard.

Steps to setup each widget

  • To setup Trend of Whatsapp messages sent over time follow these steps.

    • Choose Outbound Message for data source.

    • Choose Column for the visualization for the widget.

    • In the metrics, choose Published Date Histogram for the X-axis and Volume of Messages for the Y-axis.

    • In the filters, set Status filter to Sent or Scheduled or Sent. Choose channel as WhatsApp Business and if you want to only look at messages sent through the journey facilitator also set Marketing Journey post exists to True.

  • Select Inbound Analytics as a data source.

  • Create a Table widget and select Message Failed Time, Message Delivery Time, Message Read Time, Message Sent Time dimensions with other desired dimensions, and Message Count metric.

  • To create a pie distribution of failure reasons follow these steps.

    • Choose Outbound Message for data source.

    • Then Choose Pie for the visualization for widget.

    • Further, select Publish Error for Category and Volume of Messages for Value.

    • In the filters, choose WhatsApp Business for Channel and in date filters choose Created Date.