

Conversation Insights: Limitations

A maximum time range of 2 years is supported for conversation input.No sampling of data is done up till an input of 6M mentions. Note: Apart from excluding retweets, spam/profanity removal & messages which are not insightful post-clustering.We currently support exports in PDF, PNG, Excel, &

Knowledge Base Article

Getting Started with Sprinklr Insights

Sprinklr Insights Glossary


Social Listening

Media Monitoring & Analytics

Product Insights

Location Insights

Audience Insights

Competitive Insights & Benchmarking

Visual Insights

Conversation Insights

Analyze Conversation Cluster Reports in Conversation Insights

Best Practices

Where to navigate?

Create Conversation Cluster Report in Conversation Insights

Sharing & Governance

Permissions required for Conversation Insights

Conversation Cluster Report: Actions & Interactions


AI Studio


Reporting & Analytics

Data Sources & Channels

Sprinklr AI+