Advanced Concepts


Manage Logo using Visual Listening Governance

Visual Listening Governance allows you to see how many logos are enabled in your environment.To navigate to Visual Listening GovernanceClick the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Insights, click Logos within Learn. This will take you to the Visual Listening Governance window where you will see all the lo

Visual Listening Governance

Manage Logo

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Social Listening

Media Monitoring & Analytics

Product Insights

Location Insights

Audience Insights

Competitive Insights & Benchmarking

Visual Insights


What is Visual-based Listening?

Create Rules in Visual Insights

Setting Up Logo

Introduction to Visual Insights

Visual Topic Query Setup

Advanced Concepts

Metrics & Dimensions

Accessing Visual Insights

What is Logo?

Permissions Required for Visual Insights

OCR Topic Setup

How to Set Up VI Dashboard?

What is Photo Text?

Conversation Insights

AI Studio


Reporting & Analytics

Data Sources & Channels

Sprinklr AI+